100 research outputs found

    Buffer allocation in stochastic flow lines via sample-based optimization with initial bounds

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    The allocation of buffer space in flow lines with stochastic processing times is an important decision, as buffer capacities influence the performance of these lines. The objective of this problem is to minimize the overall number of buffer spaces achieving at least one given goal production rate. We optimally solve this problem with a mixed-integer programming approach by sampling the effective processing times. To obtain robust results, large sample sizes are required. These incur large models and long computation times using standard solvers. This paper presents a Benders Decomposition approach in combination with initial bounds and different feasibilitycutsfortheBufferAllocationProblem,whichprovidesexactsolutionswhile reducing the computation times substantially. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the performance and the flexibility of the proposed approaches. The numerical study reveals that the algorithm is capable to solve long lines with reliable and unreliable machines, including arbitrary distributions as well as correlations of processing times

    A dynamic programming approach for the aircraft landing problem with aircraft classes

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    The capacity of a runway system represents a bottleneck at many international airports. The current practice at airports is to land approaching aircraft on a first-come, first-served basis. An active rescheduling of aircraft landing times increases runway capacity or reduces delays. The problem of finding an optimal schedule for aircraft landings is referred to as the “aircraft landing problem”. The objective is to minimize the total delay of aircraft landings or the respective cost. The necessary separation time between two operations must be met. Due to the complexity of this scheduling problem, recent research has been focused on developing heuristic solution approaches. This article presents a new algorithm that is able to create optimal landing schedules on multiple independent runways. Our numerical experiments show that problems with up to 100 aircraft can be optimally solved within seconds instead of hours that are needed to solve these problems with standard optimization tools

    Time-dependent performance approximation of truck handling operations at an air cargo terminal

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    This paper provides an analytical solution for the time-dependent performance evaluation of truck handling operations at an air cargo terminal. The demand for loading and unloading operations is highly time-dependent and stochastic for two classes of trucks. Two heterogeneous handling facilities with multiple servers are available to handle trucks assuming exponentially distributed processing times. Trucks are routed to a handling facility depending on the current state of the system upon arrival. To approximate the time-dependent behavior of such heterogeneous queueing systems, we develop a stationary backlog-carryover (SBC) approach. A numerical study compares this approach with simulations and demonstrates its applicability to real-world input data

    Revenue management in an assemble-to-order production system

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    In this paper, we consider demand management decisions for an assemble-to-order production system in which both the availability of intermediate material and assembly capacity are limited. For each incoming order, the manufacturer must decide whether to accept it and what due date to quote for an accepted order. The actual assembly dates are still subject to change after these decisions, and a production schedule must be maintained to guarantee that the quoted due dates are met. Therefore, the decisions on accepting orders and quoting due dates must be made with incomplete knowledge of the actual resources used to fulfill the orders. To address these factors, we model this situation and develop a novel revenue management approach using bid prices. An extensive numerical study demonstrates the good performance of the proposed approach in comparison with benchmark algorithms and an ex-post optimal solution applied over a wide range of different supply and demand scenarios. Our results suggest that the consideration of assembly capacity constraints is more vital than the consideration of intermediate material constraints in our test cases

    Performance analysis of time-dependent queueing systems: survey and classification

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    Many queueing systems are subject to time-dependent changes in system parameters, such as the arrival rate or number of servers. Examples include time-dependent call volumes and agents at inbound call centers, time-varying air traffic at airports, time-dependent truck arrival rates at seaports, and cyclic message volumes in computer systems.There are several approaches for the performance analysis of queueing systems with deterministic parameter changes over time. In this survey, we develop a classification scheme that groups these approaches according to their underlying key ideas into (i) numerical and analytical solutions,(ii)approaches based on models with piecewise constant parameters, and (iii) approaches based on mod-ified system characteristics. Additionally, we identify links between the different approaches and provide a survey of applications that are categorized into service, road and air traffic, and IT systems

    Linearisierungsverfahren für Standortplanungsprobleme mit nichtlinearen Transportkosten

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    Dieser Aufsatz analysiert das Standortplanungsproblem in der Ebene mit stückweise linearen bzw. stückweise konstanten Transportkosten, die an praxisrelevante Frachtsatztabellen angelehnt sind. Für diese nicht-differenzierbaren Transportkostenfunktionen werden statische und dynamische Verfahren der Linearisierung vorgestellt, die auf Durchschnitts- und Grenzkostenapproximationen basieren. Diese Verfahren werden in einer umfangreichen numerischen Untersuchung mit Ergebnissen verglichen, die sich durch Approximationen der Transportkostenfunktionen mittels linearer und geometrischer Regression ergeben. Die numerischen Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die dynamischen Linearisierungen sehr gute Resultate liefern, wobei die relative Abweichung von den minimalen Transportkosten von der Anzahl betrachteter Abnehmerorte und der jeweils verwendeten Initialisierung abhängt